Automotive Window Tinting Shop in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Ticgard Commercial Building Window Tinting Service in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Ticgard Home Window Tinting Service in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Ticgard House Window Tinting Service in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Ticgard

Kepong Window Tinting Service

Warna Tinted Kereta Yang Sesuai bagi Bacaan VLT, IRR DAN UV Pada Kadar Optimum


Ticgard automotive windows tinting services in Kepong. Your trusted autofilm tint specialist near you👍Best price window film company. Visit our tint-shop now. We install tinted window films for major car manufacturers like: Ferrari, BMW, Porsche, Range Rover, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Bentley, Rolls Royce, Audi, Lamborghini, Hyundai, Kia, Lexus, Jaguar, Chevrolet, Aston Martin, Mini, Mercedes Benz, Perodua, Proton, Volkswagen, Mazda, Suzuki, and more. Protect your car, house or your office with Ticgard security window film today!

Kepong TicGard Tint Shop


    VLT (Penghantaran Cahaya Terlihat):

    Perlu mengetahui maklumat mengenai warna kusam atau terang, perlu merujuk kepada VLT yang teliti. Dengan andaian anda perlu mengetahui sama ada warna anda melepasi JPJ, anda juga perlu menyinggung dengan teliti VLT ini. Dalam Cool Car Makeup, bacaan VLT yang kita rujuk menunjukkan tahap cahaya yang jelas yang menyusup warna. Semakin tinggi VLT yang teliti, warnanya lebih cemerlang.

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    IRR (Penolakan Inframerah):

    IRR memberikan data mengenai warna sejuk atau panas. Dengan andaian anda perlu mengetahui tingkat warna mana yang dapat memotong / menahan panas dari masuk, anda boleh menyinggung IRR ini dengan teliti. Semakin tinggi pemerhatian IRR, semakin tinggi tahap pemanasan warna. Sejalan dengan ini, dengan andaian anda memerlukan warna pemotongan kehangatan tinggi, anda perlu memilih kumpulan warna yang mempunyai IRR yang tinggi.

    UV (terang):

    Mungkin ada yang mengatakan bahawa semua filem UV mencatatkan sinar UV sebanyak 99%. banyak perjumpaan di luar sana dengan sengaja menampilkan 99% sinar UV ini sebagai strategi pengiklanan, untuk menarik kepastian pelanggan.

    Dalam memilih kumpulan warna, anda harus berhati-hati, jangan mudah terpedaya dengan kemajuan yang ditunjukkan. Luangkan seberapa banyak masa yang diperlukan, fikirkan jenis warna spesifikasi dan kos yang diiklankan. Demikian juga memastikan spesifikasi warna yang disarankan kepada anda benar-benar asli.

    Namun, … pernahkah Anda berpikir, ketika Anda melihat spesifikasi warna, bagaimana Anda dapat mengatakan apakah spesifikasi warna yang diperhatikan oleh pemasang warna di kedai berwarna itu benar? Kerap kali mereka akan meminta anda untuk menguji penggunaan dari lampu. Bagaimanapun, lampu tidak dapat menunjukkan spesifikasi warna asli. Apakah bukti yang menyatakan pembacaan VLT, IRR dan UV seperti yang diperincikan atau dipromosikan?

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    Mengingat perkara ini, kami di Ticgard merasa mampu memberikan data yang tepat agar tidak menjamin barang kami nanti 😅 Anda sebagai pelanggan berhak untuk mengetahui spesifikasi warna yang tepat. Jadilah pelanggan yang cemerlang. Dia tidak akan merasa terpengaruh atau tertipu..benar? Bukankah begitu?

    Bagaimana? Di Ticgard, kami akan menunjukkan teliti pada meter untuk spesifikasi warna. Sebelum penubuhan, kami akan memberikan gambaran dan menunjukkan kepada anda meter yang meneliti spesifikasi warna pilihan anda. Kami percaya bahawa anda berjaya menguruskan kami. Kami secara amnya berusaha untuk bekerja berdasarkan sifat pentadbiran kami. Terima kasih banyak atas bantuan anda.

    Ticgard Windows Tint Services Shop in Kepong, Selayang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2)


    TICGARD® Kepong Centre
    41, Jalan Metro Perdana Timur 1,
    Taman Usahawan, Kepong,
    52100 Kuala Lumpur.
    Phone: 016-229 8543



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    防爆隔热膜安装服务 马来西亚

    Ticgard Automotive Windows Tinting services in Kepong. Your trusted autofilm tint specialist near you👍Best price window film company. Visit our tint-shop now. We install tinted window films for major car manufacturers like: Ferrari, BMW, Porsche, Range Rover, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Bentley, Rolls Royce, Audi, Lamborghini, Hyundai, Kia, Lexus, Jaguar, Chevrolet, Aston Martin, Mini, Mercedes Benz, Perodua, Proton, Volkswagen, Mazda, Suzuki, and more. Protect your car, house or your office with Ticgard security window film today!

    Kepong TicGard Tint Shop


      Kepong, Selayang, Kuala Lumpur 的住宅和办公室防爆隔热膜安装服务

      Ticgard Windows Tint Services Shop in Kepong, Selayang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (16)


      窗膜是一种精美的覆盖膜,可用于汽车和船只玻璃表面的内部或外部,此外还可用于家庭和结构的玻璃内部或外部。它通常使用聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 (PET) 生产,这是一种聚酯家族的热塑性聚合物树液,因为它具有透明性、弹性、尺寸安全性和识别各种表面应用或安装药物的能力。



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      专业的援助组织会定期推出窗膜,此外还有可供广泛使用的 DIY 包。

      国际窗膜协会成立于 1991 年,提供有关窗膜的无品牌数据。


      • 减少眩光
      • 温暖的保护
      • 紫外线
      • 幸福和安全
      • 保护
      • 装饰、标牌和标记
      • 从喷漆安全。
      • 自动造型


      位于Kepong的Windows Tint Shop – TICGARD®

      隔热膜通常应用于水平玻璃窗的内部,以减少进入窗户的红外线、表观光和明亮 (UV) 辐射。这种薄膜通常被着色或金属化(这对于明显的光来说可能是直接的),以将接近太阳的辐射转变为红外辐射,然后通过玻璃将其释放回外面。当今的窗膜创新已制造出非金属且不含会导致染色的颜色的烧结窗膜。陶器和金属窗膜的成本通常比普通窗膜高 50-100% 以上,但可以减少多达 80% 的能量传输。防火窗膜成本稍高,但通过反射和保留红外辐射(明亮的温暖)而显着增加。





      安全窗膜(健康窗膜)的另一个重要应用是在“水平玻璃”的巨大空间上,如零售外墙窗户、滑动玻璃入口,以及容易受到热带风暴伤害的更大窗户。这些安全膜,只要应用得当,同样可以为车辆提供保证。[需要引用] 这些安全膜经常着色,厚度可达 400 微米 (µm),而普通着色膜的厚度低于 50 µm。只要有效地固定,它们同样可以在爆炸的情况下为组合涂层提供保险。一层薄膜(100 µm 厚或更突出)可以防止在其表面受到射击影响时产生剥落,这在任何情况下都会使小刀像玻璃碎片一样可能造成伤害。


      可切换薄膜可以通过 36V AC 以下的保护电压从模糊变为清晰。在其阴暗的状态下,它可以完美地用作可区分两侧的投影屏幕。 3G 可切换膜还具有紫外线 (100%) 和红外线 (94%) 阻隔能力和安全工作。




      有效应用镜膜可以制作单向镜。请注意,要引人注目,光差应提高 6 到数倍,以跟上计划的展览。例如,城市中的建筑物,在白天很难看到,但在傍晚时分,它们可以毫不费力地看到,如果内部空间的灯亮起,则可以很容易地看到它旁边的物体.

      不同的优势包括为车辆后部的旅客提供安全保障、紫外线光束的保证(具有一些破坏性影响)、为宠物降温、更值得注意的安全性、减少抢劫的可能性(因为资产不太明显)、减少眩光和液体反射宝石展示 (LCD) 屏幕,以及为患有光敏性或皮肤易感性等病症(如狼疮 (SLE))的个人提供保险。窗膜同样被视为比粘贴式百叶窗更具吸引力和常识。


      紫外线的安全性可以通过倾向于紫外线范围的薄膜来培养。由于紫外线是破坏室内及家具的基本来源之一 ,它可以引出装置和配件的存在。基本沉闷的透明薄膜拒绝(吸收)一些高达 380 nm 的紫外线辐射,并且依靠制造商,将紫外线抑制剂添加到聚酯中,专业薄膜提供 400 nm 的安全性。有色薄膜对于保证 500 nm 很重要。

      窗膜可将 99% 以上的紫外线光束筛选到 380 nm,从而减少模糊的基本因素。在任何情况下,太阳导向的温暖、明显的光线、潮湿以及合成烟雾的存在或不出现等额外因素都会额外增加模糊度。因此,有色或镀金属的窗膜可提供最大程度的防模糊效果,即使是紫外线,也能阻挡大量的温暖和明显的光线。











      TICGARD® Kepong Centre
      41, Jalan Metro Perdana Timur 1,
      Taman Usahawan, Kepong,
      52100 Kuala Lumpur.
      Phone: 016-229 8543



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      Automotive Window Tinting Service

      Ticgard automotive windows tinting services in Kepong. Your trusted autofilm tint specialist near you👍Best price window film company. Visit our tint-shop now. We install tinted window films for major car manufacturers like: Ferrari, BMW, Porsche, Range Rover, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Bentley, Rolls Royce, Audi, Lamborghini, Hyundai, Kia, Lexus, Jaguar, Chevrolet, Aston Martin, Mini, Mercedes Benz, Perodua, Proton, Volkswagen, Mazda, Suzuki, and more. Protect your car, house or your office with Ticgard security window film today!

      Kepong TicGard Tint Shop


        Best window tinting shop in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

        Window film is a dainty overlay film that can be introduced to the inside or outside of glass surfaces in vehicles and boats and besides to the inside or outside of glass in homes and designs. It is by and large created using polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a thermoplastic polymer sap of the polyester family, due to its clarity, versatility, dimensional security, and ability to recognize a grouping of surface-applied or installed medicines.

        Auto Window Tinting Service

        Window films are ordinarily arranged by their advancement sections (shaded, pigmented, metallized, mud or nano), by their normal use (auto, marine or compositional), by substrate type (glass or polycarbonate), just as by their particular show (assurance, sun based control, wellbeing and security).

        Window film is routinely introduced by capable help associations yet there are furthermore DIY packs comprehensively available.

        The International Window Film Association, set up in 1991, gives unbranded information about window films.

        There are a wide scope of grades, shades, shadings, and thicknesses of available window films attempted to offer responses for a grouping of challenges. Window films are a retrofit overhaul for existing glass that can be used to determine issues intrinsic to frosting, including:

        • warmth and glare decline
        • warm insurance
        • UV filtration
        • wellbeing and security
        • assurance
        • frivolity, signage and marking
        • security from shower painting.
        • Auto styling

        Window films are an incredibly pragmatic procedure to decrease warming and cooling costs in existing designs by diminishing the proportion of warmth travel through coating.

        Ticgard Windows Tint Services Shop in Kepong, Selayang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (3)

        Windows Tint Shop in Kepong (Ticgard)

        Warmth excusal films are regularly applied to the inside of level glass windows to decrease the proportion of infrared, evident light, and brilliant (UV) radiation entering windows. Such movies are regularly shaded or metalized (which can be direct to evident light) to change approaching sun arranged radiation over to infrared radiation, which is then excused back through the glass to the outside. Present day window film innovation has made terminated window films which are non-metallic and don’t contain colors that can bring about staining. The stoneware and metallic window films typically cost 50-100+ percent more than ordinary window film yet can reduce energy transmission by as much as 80%. Terminated window films cost to some degree all the more anyway give a critical increment by reflecting and retaining Infrared radiation (splendid warmth).

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        To keep the sun’s glow out of the house, a low-emissivity covering should be applied to the outside sheet of covered windows. In case the windows are intended to give heat energy in the colder season and keep heat inside the house (normal of cold conditions), the low-emissivity covering should be applied to within sheet of covered windows. Such movies moreover decline the proportion of obvious and splendid radiation entering a window, and are oftentimes applied to reduce blurring of the substance of a room. Silvered film may moreover be used to a comparative end. Horribly explicit movies act by impeding certain frequencies of the sun’s infrared radiation and reject heat without diminishing standard light.

        car window tinting shop

        Security films are applied to glass so when the glass is broken it holds together, keeping hazardous shards from flying about, or to make it more hard for an interloper to acquire section. Ordinarily applied to business glass, these films are made of weighty measure plastic and are expected to keep up with the trustworthiness of glass when subject to hefty effect. The most vigorous security films are equipped for forestalling fracture and the creation of perilous glass shards from powers, for example, bomb impacts. A few organizations have even explored different avenues regarding projectile ballistics and various layers of safety film. 

        Car window tint installation near me

        Another vital application for security window films (wellbeing window films) is on huge spaces of “level glass” like retail facade windows, sliding glass entryways, and bigger windows that are inclined to tropical storm harm. These security films, whenever applied appropriately, can likewise give assurance to vehicles.[citation needed] These security films are frequently tinted and can be up to 400 micrometers (µm) thick, contrasted with under 50 µm for normal tint films. Whenever secured effectively, they can likewise give insurance to compositional coating in case of a blast. A layer of film (of 100 µm thickness or more prominent) can forestall the discharge of spall when a shot effects on its surface, which in any case makes little knife like shards of glass that can cause injury. 

        Window tint installation near me

        Switchable films can be changed from obscure to clear by a protected voltage under 36V AC. In its murky state, it very well may be impeccably utilized as a projection screen that is distinguishable from the two sides. 3G switchable film additionally has UV (100%) and IR (94%) obstructing capacities and security work. 

        Best window tinting shops near me

        Window tinting for office

        Ticgard Sdn Bhd is a one stop professional window film company and specializing in the supply and installation of a vast variety of window film choices to our valued customers by our professional teams.

        We are experience windows tinting service specialist in kepong & selayang. We provide home/house window tinting service, office building/commercial window tinting & automotive windows tining service in our shop.

        All ours solar window films are the preferred choice for discerning residential and automobile owners, applicators, architects, interior designers, builders and governments projects.

        Our innovative approach to insulate conventional glass includes energy saving, UV reduction from the sun and scratch resistant with high safety reinforcements. Our range of products includes Reflective Film, Safety Film, Decorative Film, IR Film, Sputter Film, Ceramic Film, Nano Film, Sticker Film & etc.

        TICGARD® Window Tinting Films feature the most advanced Nanotechnology and it is one of the very few products in the market that provide UV410 protection & rejects up to 100% of the sun’s UV rays.

        Best place for window tinting near me

        Ticgard Window Film Kepong


        TICGARD® Kepong Centre
        41, Jalan Metro Perdana Timur 1,
        Taman Usahawan, Kepong,
        52100 Kuala Lumpur.
        Phone: 016-229 8543



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        FM Radio Malaysia Ai FM Interview Founder of Ticgard Sdn Bhd Latest 2023

        Car tint price Malaysia